Have you ever tried to break a piece of thread? Not very hard to do. But if you take several strands together and try to break them apart it is a much harder task. So when you hear teaching about children and the threads that run through their life, the example is often given about the 'Three Strand Cord', Home, Church, and School. Such was the theme for a Youth Conference, and I was to design a large backdrop piece for the three day event. The backdrop would be 19 feet by 38 feet.
So I decided to do an illustration that would reflect the mind of a child and how they view things. I wanted a 'Looney Tunes' feel to the whole thing. I reflected on my love of Saturday morning cartoons when I was growing up and wanted to incorporate that into the piece. The piece came out just like I wanted. I was so excited at the prospects that my illustration would be displayed on such a grand scale.
The unfortunate thing was that the conference director didn't share my vision. He wanted the backdrop to be 'full of pictures'. I was so disappointed. He wanted to show all the aspects of a child's life using images.
So I filed away my illustration and pulled out my image editing skills and went to work on 'his' vision for the backdrop. I displayed all the images in a 'polaroid' format, as if a teenager just dumped out all their pictures preparing to put together a scrapbook. The final result was fine but of course my idea was better...right?